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The 6th Direct Dealers Joint Conference of Kobelco Cranes was held in Japan
Published: 2017.12.06 | Attention: 1138

The 6th Direct Dealers Joint Conference was held in Okubo plant, Akashi city, Japan from December 6 to December 7, 2017. Mr. Tian Delun, the President of BJZT, and Mr. Gordon Guo, the Vice General Manager, attended this conference. During the meeting, representative from Kobelco Construction Machinery Co., Ltd introduced the situation and characteristics of global crane market in 2017, and released the latest models and research directions of Kobelco cranes. Each participating direct dealers has made a report on the market situation in their respective regions.

Our Vice General Manager Mr. Gordon Guo delivered a speech on behalf of BJZT during the meeting, reviewing the sales performance of BJZT in the year of 2017, and giving a prospect for the next year's sales. In-depth communications have been held with other participating agents during this meeting.